Le Laboratoire d'Hydraulique de France
Lire la publication de Jean Cunge sur les modèles numériques.
Article N°1 de Février 1987
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Source : Archives Jean Cunge
Sogreah article PCM LE PONT J GAILLARD Février 2003
PCM – Revue des ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts et des diplômés de l’Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
Page 30 à 34- PCM Le Pont Février 2003
C'est dans les années soixante que le docteur Alexandre Preissmann entreprit d'appliquer les techniques de la modélisation mathématique à la résolution des problèmes d'hydraulique fluviale.
Le Dr Jean Cunge est devenu chef du Service Scientifique d'Application de Sogréah en 1979-(SCA)
L'article ci dessous est un extrait du bulletin trimestriel "Sogreah Information" de Février 1982 Page 2.
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Un hommage particulier doit être rendu à un des piliers du développement de l’informatique à SOGREAH : Alexandre PREISSMANN fut l’un des initiateurs et promoteurs de l’utilisation des modèles numériques de simulation dans tous les domaines de l’hydraulique (maritime, fluvial, eaux souterraines, et transport et dispersion de polluants dans tous ces milieux).
Rappelons le livre en deux volumes édité par PITMAN (Pitman publishing ltd editor) sous le titre « Engineering Applications of Computational Hydraulics – Homage to Alexandre Preissmann », by Michael B Abbot; J. A. Cunge et al. (au total 25 spécialistes mondiaux de l’hydraulique numérique ont participé à l’écriture de ce livre, en plus des auteurs précités : J P Hauguel, A Vollet, P.-L Benque, ….).
by Alexandre Preissmann (Other Contributor), J. A. Cunge (Other Contributor), Michael B. Abbott (Other Contributor)
Contents Include: Modeling System for the Design and Operation of Storm Sewer Networks; Research of the European Hydrologic System; Eulerian and Lagrangian linked Algoritms for Fluid Mechanics Mathematical Modelling; Numerical Effects in the Models for River Morphology; A Mathematical Models of the River Nile; THe Boundary Element Method; Simulation of Fast Drainage;
Alexandre Preissmann
Alexandre Preissmann was born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland and studied for a degree in mathematics at ETH, Zurich, graduating in 1938.
In 1942 he obtained his PhD for a study of the mathematics of Riemann spaces. From 1946-1958 he worked at the ETH Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau directed by Eugen Meyer-Peter (1883-1969). Preissmann then moved to Grenoble to pursue science rather than engineering and came under the influence of Francis Biesel (1920-1993) who was a hydraulic engineer developing computer methods. Pressman then formulated an implicit scheme for the solution of the shallow water equations which now bears his name.
He went on to join SOGREAH, a company formed in 1955 from a group of design and testing laboratories that turbine manufacturer Neyrpic had operated in Grenoble since the early 20th century. Sogreah already had nearly a half-century’s experience in the design of hydraulic development schemes, hydropower facilities in particular. Pressmen, together with colleagues such as Jean Cunge was involved in many overseas hydraulic modelling projects, including modelling the flow of the Mekong river, a major undertaking given the computing resources at the time.
In the 1970s SOGREAH was one of the original partners of the European Commission funded Système Hydrologique European (SHE) hydrological modelling project, together with the Danish Hydraulic Institute and the UK Institute of Hydrology at Wallingford. The SOGREAH team was led by Alexandre Preissmann and Jean Cunge and had responsibility for the overland and channel routing components of the SHF model.
Preissmann retired from SOGREAH in 1981. He was awarded the Société Hydrotechnique de France prize in 1971, and on his retirement the volume
"Engineering Applications of Computational Hydraulics: a homage to Alexandre Preissmann" was produced for him.
Texte from research of Pierre M Bernard 9 Octobre 2020
Portraits des membres du LHF en Février 1987
Date de dernière mise à jour : 2020-10-11