2009 Return to Chongqing


Return to Chongqing – Photo-reportage

China flag icon animation

In 2009 Thomas Dodd returned to Chongqing after twenty years.


He found a city transformed, though also some of the old Chongqing, still hanging on, just.

The air is a soup of chemicals suspended in natural fog, stagnating in the mountainous basin the city is built on. Because of the long intensely hot and humid summers Chongqing is known as one of the Yangtze's four 'hot stoves'.

Coming back to Chongqing, China's tenth largest city, after a quarter of a century, I thought at first the whole place had simply been made physically anew. But, bit by bit, as though my eyes were adjusting to a new cast of light, the past

I had remembered started to seep back into my senses. There were places that were still a physical connection. Places you could touch and know had been there before.


Clic sur la photo pour voir le reportage de Thomas Dodd


Chongqing 2http://www.fourthdoor.co.uk/unstructured/unstructured_07/chongqing.php


Barre bleue

Que de changements depuis 1997.La ville de Chongqing et les croisières sur le fleuve bleu font désormais partie des programmes de voyage des agences de voyage.

Clic sur la photo pour voir ces programmes

Musee trois gorges



18 Janv 2018


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